welcome to the million dollar mystery

Hi there! Welcome to the Million Dollar Mystery!

The million dollar mystery is just that. Something spectacular that will be revealed once a grand total of one million dollars has been reached.

the mystery however is more than that.... its also a social experiment to judge the inquisitive nature and generosity of people all around the world... nothing has been done like this before, and its up to you to make it happen!

whether it be a million people giving $1 or or a hundred giving $10000.... the mystery will be revealed once $1million dollars has been reached!

the grand total as of 14th November, 2007 is...


The question is... How Curious are YOU?!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

we're off!

two days in and the curious are starting to show themselves! its only a small start but its a start nonetheless. thanks guys!

Monday, November 12, 2007

welcome to day 1

Hi there!
welcome to day one of the experiment!

This page will be continuously updated until the goal has been reached and the final revelation of the mystery has occured. Throughout the process the running total will be updated as frequently as possible as well as more surprises once we get a little closer.... as you can see we're currently at $0 so its now in your hands... be sure to tell your friends!

see you soon!